office:  (717) 225-6357


Pastor Martin e-mail:

Welcome to

St. Paul's UCC (Stoverstown)


No matter where you are on life's journey,

 you are welcome here!

If you are looking for a place where you can make a difference, this may be it. That is why we are here, and we invite you to find out if this is where you belong, too. No matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

We were not able to be present for the resurrection of Jesus; however, we now have a chance to participate in the resurrection of this part of the Body of Christ. If you are looking for a place where your life can have greater, perhaps even eternal, meaning, we hope we will see you Sunday morning at 10:15!

SUMMER --Sunday Morning Worship is now at 9:15 am

    Beginning is September our times return to:

    9:00 am: Faith formation for children and adults
    10:00 am: Connecting time:
    10:15 am: All Ages Worship

    July-August  Sunday Morning Worship at 9:15 am

The logo above was created by Brandon Wherley.