Whoever you are, and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.
We offer events throughout the year that bring all of the generations of the church together, from Sunday morning conversation time and worship to Advent dinners, Easter breakfast, and outdoor movie nights during the summer. Everyone, no matter their age, has something to teach us about being God’s children and growing in God’s ways of love.
Youth Connecting with Youth
Our youth group for grades 6 and up meets about once a month for fun, service projects and conversation about things that really matter.
Connecting through Music
Our music ministry both contributes to the worship experience and is open to all who desire to participate.
Our Shalom Choir (Adult) is open to high school and college students, and adults and sings regularly during the worship service, September through June. We sing many different styles of anthems. You don’t have to be able to read music. If you like to sing but are not able to commit regularly, you are welcome to join us for those times you are available. Practice is on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm.
Our Agape Band and Singers lead the congregation during worship the first Sunday of each month. The band is comprised of guitar, keyboards, woodwinds, and drums to accompany the singers leading the congregation in several contemporary selections. The band has been known to appear at other special events in the area. Practice is on Thursday before the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Woodwind, brass, and percussion add to the worship experience during other special seasons and events. Instrumentalists of elementary school age and on up are encouraged to offer their services to our praise and worship of God. Please consider dusting off any instrument you might have and joining in sometime. Our St. Paul's Players band practices primarily for the Christmas season. We create arrangements so instrumentalists of any ability can play. Our brass players usually provide music for our Easter Sunday worship.
Connecting through Communion
We celebrate Communion about a dozen times a year. Anyone who wishes to experience Christ’s presence is welcome to come to the Communion Table. No one is excluded. Yet parents are the ones to discern whether their young children should receive Communion. Children whose parents decide they are not ready to receive Communion, but who come forward to the chancel with the rest of the congregation, will receive a blessing from one of the worship leaders.